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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

No Sweet Treats!

Here’s more mail that I received:

Hi Chef!

I've got a quick question for you. I want to give a gift a snacks to an office that has been very helpful to me. I don't know all the office staff well so I'm not sure on any dietary restrictions for the group. I would prefer not going the donuts, bagels (basically bread or sugar route) . What could I present to them that would be a nice substitute and have a good impact ? All I can think of is a fruit basket as a substitute but I'm hoping you have a recommendation with a bit more sizzle that I could use. Let me know!

Give Thanks,

Kirk S.

Kirk S,

I have a few suggestions for you!

Here are some real safe bets, all allergy-free, and hopefully a good match:

Tea, Coffee, and Biscotti – Here is a REAL safe one. Everyone can find something to like in here! You can gather several different specialty teas, and coffee, making this an enticing treat, especially as the weather starts turning cooler.

Veggie Dip – But not your traditional variety. Change out the typical ranch dressing for some hummus! Hummus comes in a many different flavors – there’s garlic, herb, roasted pepper, and even spicy. This will be a hit with just about everyone, and be allergy friendly as well.

On the more risky side:

Nuts – Almonds come in many different flavors (the wasabi ones are addicting!), and you can create a whole arrangement of almonds from smoked, spicy wasabi, to sweet cinnamon ones. Only issue with this is that those with peanut allergies are likely to be allergic to almonds, so it’s not totally allergy free.

Gourmet Cheese and Crackers – This is a traditional treat. But there are so many different cheese flavors – from sweet to spicy, you can certainly make a nice impression with this one. There are two problems with this treat – it’s not dairy or gluten allergy friendly.

Hope this helps you!



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