Well, we (my husband and I) are going to try going gluten-free for a week. There are several reasons, but mainly we have both been having several symptoms that may be related (or not) to a gluten intolerance.
While my husband and I have been to the doctor many times, for different problems, much of the diagnosis has been a huge question mark. I know there are so many different symptoms that could be a million different medical problems, but we both seem to have ongoing 'mystery' problems. My only answer is to start with our diet - eliminate different things, see if we have any improvement (just like I did when I suspected I might be allergic to soy).
And just like with my soy allergy, I had to learn what contains gluten, and start reading labels of food.
Here is what I've learned about being allergic gluten.
First, if have difficulty with wheat/wheat products/gluten it does NOT mean you have celiac disease. You may just have a sensitivity, or an intolerance. Like other food allergies, there are various levels of the condition.
Symptoms include (and can range from extreme to very mild):
Runny nose, itchy eyes, skin rash, diarrhea, stomachache, bloating, eczema, hives, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, headaches.
Gluten is a type of protein found in some grains - wheat, rye, and barley.
People who have difficulty with gluten, can eat rice, corn, quinoa, flax, millet, and sorghum.
There are many products out which are gluten free. Many foods have a gluten free label, thus making it easier to find items (such as bread) that do not contain gluten. However, while it is easier than ever to find gluten free products, it is still essential to know what contains gluten, and know how to read labels.
And on an interesting note - all the gluten free products that I found are also soy free! That was a relief to find, since I am also allergic to soy.
So, hopefully going gluten free will result in both of us feeling better. And if not, we'll go back to the drawing board.
Hopefully this can help other people who may wonder if they suspect they may have some form of gluten allergy.
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