You know, sometimes I willingly subject my taste buds (and body) to things I can't/shouldn't eat. There's nothing like biting the bullet and having a full-fledged Chinese meal. Yes, soy sauce and all. I, know. I know I shouldn't eat things that I'm allergic to, but every so often I just go for it! And knowingly subject myself to after effects of hives, stomach distress, etc all in the name of food.
But it's different when I think I'm being mindful, not eating soy or wheat, then WHAM! I wake up covered in hives. Times like that I just want to kick myself. And two days ago I discovered yet another item I'd better steer clear of - Ben and Jerry's Ice cream. I just want to cry!
It started out simple, "Ohhhh, haven't treated myself to ice cream lately. . . {scans freezer at local supermarket} and here's Ben and Jerry's 'All Natural' ice cream! {grabs container of coffee with heath bar crunch} Mmmmm."
Foolish me was so enamored with the thought of the ice cream and the natural contents that I didn't even bother to scan the label. So, home I went with my purchase. After dinner I announced that I was having ice cream. It's a big deal in our house when I actually have dessert. Hubby and daughter are sweet hounds and take every opportunity to catch a dessert, but me. . . it's a real rare occurrence. So I scoop out just a little bit of ice cream into my bowl, and then savor it's coffee-chocolate goodness.
Next morning as I'm about to climb into the shower, I notice a small red dot on my shoulder. Uh, oh. I move over to the mirror and turn to view my back. Yup. Hives. Covered in 'em. "NOOOOOO! " I wail. I knew the only thing that could have possibly been the cause was the ice cream. But maybe, it was something else (what I hadn't a clue). . . I had a few moments of fleeting happiness before I looked at the label. Yes, all natural ingredients, milk sugar, chocolate, etc. all up until I got to the soy lecithin part. Dang. And you know what's even worse is that 'They' say that most people who are allergic to soy can tolerate soy lecithin. Obviously, I'm not one of 'Those' people.
So - shall we sing? "Hives, hives, hives, hives. . . Hives! Wonderful Hives!" Not.
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