After posting about my daughter and her experience with her nose bleeds at school. . . it reminded me of something very important - dark green leafy veggies! I know, it seems like a non sequitur, but here's the scoop - dark green leafy vegetables are high in many vitamins, including vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting and contains iron.
Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, chard, collard greens, are super powerful foods! They contain a ton of vitamins (including C and K), contains iron, aids in weight loss (they keep you feeling full since they are loaded with natural vegetable fiber), contain antioxidants, and help inhibit the growth of cancerous cells in the body. Now THAT is a super food!
My daughter prefers not to eat meat, and we monitor her carefully, making sure she gets all her necessary vitamins, but when she gets her seasonal nose bleeds, we need to step things up a bit and she knows the routine - Spinach, and if she's still feeling ill, then we break out the burgers.
Green leafy vegetables are a great addition to a pasta dish, or on the side of other foods. Just remember do NOT over cook it! The rule of thumb is that the vegetable should remain a dark green color, and be fork tender. If you over cook it, not only do you lose flavor, but all those wonderful vitamins as well.
So - grab yourself a few leafy greens at the grocer and get cookin'!
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