One thing that truly bothers me, is that many people don't believe you when you say, "I'm allergic to. . . ". Some have shot me a look, as if I'm making it up. Those of you who have allergies, or know a friend or family member who has food allergies know we are NOT faking, or just using it as an excuse.
Here's an example (and what gets me, is this guy is a chef who is cooking my food!):
At least he does admit there are allergies out there (and even lists them), but I don't believe I should have to quantify my food allergy. Does he REALLY want to hear what happens to me when I eat soy?
It's hard enough feeling like an outcast because you have to interrogate the waitstaff, before you can even think about ordering.
Has anyone else encountered restaurants, or friends, or family members that just don't seem to 'get it'?
Oh, REALLY allergic, as opposed to...say...not eating pork for religious reasons. Not life threatening, but important nevertheless. Oh, and if a person doesn't like something, must they eat it, when they've PAID for the food, just because they won't die? I'm never going to this guy's restaurant!
BTW, my daughter is allergic to pork--well, she gets SEVERE stomach pain after eating it. She's had people sneak pork into her food because they don't believe her. So she has to deal with severe stomach pain afterward, probably after she's gone home. She's nicer than me, I'd tell 'em what I think ;)
Cheryel -
I agree Cheryel - if I am PAYING you to cook my meal, I better darn well get whatever it is I ask!
It is so hard for people with food allergies to find a place outside of their home they are comfortable eating food - be it restaurant, or friends home. And then add in that if you find your friend has cooked something you can't eat - how do you handle telling them you can't eat it because you are allergic? You don't want to offend them - they took time to cook something for you?
I always ask company before they come over, "any food allergies?" And I guess it is because I'm am sensitive to it and do understand.
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