Welcome to The Substitute Chef Blog!
I understand how hard it is when you have food allergies. Eating out becomes such a chore, and reading labels on prepackaged foods becomes a very time consuming, yet necessary part of grocery shopping. Making your food at home is the easiest solution, but even then knowing how to remake recipes using substitutions will become essential.
I am allergic to soy, and have many friends and family with food allergies, or have recently been put on a specific diet by their doctor (ie; low cholesterol, low sodium). I am a cook that has been experimenting with foods to come up with substitutions and solutions so that they can still be able to enjoy the foods that they love by making a few changes.
I have a huge list of substitutions for just about any and every food related problem. If you have a specific food allergy, or several allergies, please feel free to email me at thesubstitutechef@gmail.com. Or post your questions on the blog. I will reply with a solution!
You are meeting a serious need. With a granddaughter who has a dairy allergy, and my own sodium and cholesterol restrictions, I know firsthand how hard it is in today's world to stay away from things you can't have.
Thank you!
Cheryel -
I'm glad you found me! It is hard to find food that will fit restrictions. I'll be posting a full blog answer to the dairy allergy later - and I hope you give you some ideas for your dear granddaughter.
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